Monday, July 7, 2008

Cholesterol Screening at an Earlier Age

This recent article in the NY Times points out that pediatricians are beginning to recommend aggressive cholesterol screening for children as early as eight years old. Many experts claim that signs of heart disease show up early in kids, especially when 30 percent of the nation’s children are obese and overweight.

Previously, cholesterol lowering drugs were recommended for children above the age of 10, and only if they fail to lose weight during a 6-12 month period. But now according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, cholesterol drugs might be our youth’s best hope in preventing heart disease. Screenings are highly recommended for those who have a family history of high cholesterol levels. Even though children will now undergo drug treatment at an earlier age, the first goal will still be to lower bad cholesterol through diet and a rigorous exercise program.

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